Directional Felling of an Oak

The vertical cut is made first, down to the stump height.

The horizontal cut is made to match.

Both cuts are matched from the other side.

The notch is cleared and the bottom of the cut is my reference for my bore cuts and stump height.

The down hill side or the side under the lean is often bored out first.
This way I'm doing the work while the tree is still strong.

Next I bore the upper side.


Leaving an even hinge of the right width is the key to this method. If you cut away too much wood, the hinge can crush and fail - causing a loss of control or pinching of the saw. If you leave too much wood, the hinge may be so strong that it causes the butt log to split or even barber chair as the tree falls. Each tree you cut teaches you more and you are always adjusting to the species, temperature, time of year, etc.


Photos by Susie Young

As the last holding fiber breaks, its time to move away.
