‘Green’ Lumber and 'Certification' are not new ideas.
60 years ago, an environmentalist wrote this while sitting in a wooden shack, just up the banks of the Wisconsin River from here….
“Why is it that conservation is so rarely practiced
by those who must extract a living from the land?
Take forestry as an example:
the forest owner says he will manage his timber
when stumpage values rise high enough,
and when wood substitutes quit underselling him.
He said this decades ago.
Forest devastation goes on as before.
If exploitation-lumber and forestry-lumber
were each labeled as such,
would we prefer to buy the conservation product?
The trouble is that we have developed,
along with our skill in the exploitation of land,
a prodigious skill in false advertising.
I do not want to be told by advertisers
what is a conservation product.
The only alternative is consumer-discrimination....”
The Round River, from the journals of Aldo Leopold - 1948
So, how do you become a discriminating consumer?
Common Sense, Maybe?
Tests of how ‘Green’ it is…. REALLY?
‘Green’ wood products.
How Green is it Really?
Looks Like Natural Wood or Looks very Manufactured
Wood will outlast the building or Short product life
Locally Grown or From other side of the globe
Know the Grower/manager or Source unknown
Locally manufactured or Processed in China, etc.
Simple manufacturing or High Tech processing
Minimal Energy expended or Large amounts of Energy used
From Small Business or From Big Box Store
Money stays in the community or Sales benefit big corporation
Here is a new Alternative in the market today…
As forest owners, we harvest up to one tree pre acre per year with precision Arthroscopic Logging techniques – starting with the worst tree first. A portion of the natural output of the forest is salvaged each year with no pressure from industrial demand. Logs are carried an average of one half mile to the sawmill. All usable parts of the tree are utilized for their highest value. Lumber is dried using solar energy to heat the kilns. Wood products are manufactured with small, efficient tools in our 100 year old renovated dairy barn. We haul the products direct to our customers homes as we commute to install the wood ourselves. We know our wood – satisfaction guaranteed!
If you can find a “Greener” product anywhere on earth – Buy It!
RWOODS2U = From our Forest to Your Home