Sawmilling BIG Logs With A Chain Saw Mill
Our management system encourages our good trees to grow as long as they are healthy and vigorous.
Many of our trees are getting too large to move or saw on the WoodMizer.
This red maple had a split in the butt log with a carpenter ant infestation.
Kathy warms up the engine on her end of the chain sawmill.
We are making 3" thick slabs for table tops.
My end is a Stihl 066 - on the pulling side of a 56" long bar.
There is a Stihl 036 on the other end, assisting the big engine.
We use the two 2X6 planks as a guide to get a straight cut.
We insert a plastic wedge in each side to keep the slab from pinching the saw bar.
Sawing at an angle is faster than cutting perpendicular to the bark.
This is more of a ripping cut and produces long shavings instead of fine dust.
This is slow and crude and makes a lot of sawdust, but it is one way to utilize big logs!
We could also quarter a log, then saw the pieces on the WoodMizer.