The Baird Family from North Carolina visited Timbergreen for a week of training....
A hike through the trails - we discussed Full Vigor Forestry
The next day, Daniel prepares to bore-cut his first tree.
Elizabeth practices the open faced notch before felling her first tree
Sawmilling logs into lumber was the next day's topic
Fresh sawn lumber is stacked in the pre-drying chamber of the Solar Cycle Kiln
The next day we ripped dry lumber into flooring blanks on the edger saw. The wood was then run through the molder in the barn woodworking shop to make tongue and groove flooring.
The ATV was a popular ride all week long
The last day we installed the flooring - cherry and birch is nailed to the subfloor by Daniel
Wallace sands the floor smooth
The whole family had cameras... here is the favorite photo
We all had a fun week together!
(Place your own caption Here)
The Bairds are currently setting up their own woodworking business at home
click here for Wallace's description of the week click here for more photos