World's Most Advanced Solar Cycle Kiln

Gordon Greene of Spring Green Wisconsin is putting the finishing touches on a new solar cycle kiln on his land.


Bryan Dalstrom (right) cuts an aspen purlin while Michael Hodge (from Hawaii) holds the board.  All the wood is from the property and was milled by Alex Greene dba Red Beard Lumber.


Scott Kiel holds the purlin in place.  A metal roof will cover the wood.


Four wood chambers are facing south and a garage/workshop is attached at the west end.


A new kind of poly tarp is installed.  93% of the sunlight will pass through into the solar collector.  This brand is specially coated on the bottom side to keep the infra red heat inside the building.  The tarp is also insulated - giving an estimated energy savings of 20%.


Jeff Young of Atlanta holds onto one side of the tarp.


Chester Siafa from Liberia secures the other corner while the hold down clips are installed.


Gordon drives the tractor while Hodge fastens the plastic in place


This kiln has 600 square feet of collector surface.  The kiln will be well insulated and air tight, with air pressure activated valves to keep the heat inside when the sun goes down.  Moisture is vented during operation of the fans.



Gordon and Alex in the collector room of the kiln.  The back wall (right) is covered with foil covered insulation board to reflect the heat back into the collector room. 

Insulating poly tarps, air tight construction, well insulated, reflective back wall, air actuated valves to keep the heat in the wood chamber at night - STATE OF THE ART!!

I expect this kiln to set a new world's record for heating with the sun.  Operating temperatures should be about 90 degrees F over the outside temp.   Actual results will be posted soon   (November, 2009)

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