Industrial Logging - November 2006
State of the Art.....

The State of Wisconsin is the largest forest owner
in the Spring Green Area. 
Tower Hill State Park and the Wisconsin Riverway
cover thousands of acres....

Timber Industry pressure results in large timber sales -
to feed the big mills.

Sound Forestry is being practiced!  I'm sure it is certified too!

Wisconsin DNR Foresters have been marking and selling timber in the area for years.  This sale is right along the Wisconsin River north of the Highway 14 bridge and boat landing.  Large volumes of wood are needed to feed the big machines that are now being used by the timber industry.

Modern Timber Harvester and loads of pulpwood

Logs are sorted
at the landing....

Pulpwood for the papermill
Pallet logs
(no veneer logs were sorted at the time of my visits)


  Timberjack prehauler at the log landing