Traditional forest management is all about feeding the big mills with cheap timber.
The forest resource, the forest owner, and the logger are used and abused by this system and then discarded when no longer of value. Big Business is Big Business - and the big dealings in the timber industry at this time are just as scary as the big corporate actions we see every day now in the news.
There is no way to fix the traditional timber market - Despite all the Public Relations campaigns and propaganda on sustainable forestry - a forest owners chances of getting future oriented forestry work done on their land are slim and none. A classic example of how the current system totally fails a forest owner follows.
Forest owners - there is now an alternative to the traditional timber market - designed to meet the needs of the woodlot owner, not the big mill. Full Vigor Forestry empowers forest owners to do Just the Opposite of what has been business as usual in the timber industry. This will work if you follow it through all the way - step by step.